aadya morris ئاپەکان

Samsung S4 Allaha LWP 1.0
aadya morris
Allaha Live Wallpaper has been created to remind you that hopeshould never be lost, even in the hardest moments of life we areall facing every day.We celebrate Id in the month of Ramjan as a holy month andalways remember Allaha..This wallpaper will keep you mind , heart peace and calm. Itsspread more happiness,faith in you life.===========================================================How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> Select LiveWallpapers -> Select Samsung S4 Allaha LWP from the list============================================================This application is FREE for all the Islam believers around theworld who want to find their inner peace and happiness.When you download Allah Live Wallpaper all you will enjoy thewonderful image of the sky and Allah that is appear in theclouds,sky and even in leaf , water also.Allah is a word for God in Islamic world. In Arabic, the wordmeans simply "the God." It is used mainly by Muslims. Allah is aword for God. In Arabic, the word means simply "the God." It isused mainly by Muslims and often, albeit not exclusively, byBahá'ís, Arabic-speaking Eastern Catholic Christians, Maltese RomanCatholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Mizrahi Jews and Sikhs.According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God,and humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances andCommandments is the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God,creator of the universe, and the judge of humankind." "He is unique(wāḥid) and inherently one (ʾaḥad), all-merciful and omnipotent."The Qur'an declares "the reality of Allah, His inaccessiblemystery, His various names, and His actions on behalf of Hiscreatures."There is God as well as Allah, and the Prophet Mohammed is HisMessenger!if you like it - Please rate and give comment on it.
Jesus live wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
If you're a Jesus loving person, youdefinitely ought to have Jesus Live Wallpaper! Fill your phone withdifferent Jesus pictures or pictures of cross and enrich it with aunique religious live wallpaper!- Perfect live wallpaper for Android!.- Interactive background - Tap anywhere on the screen and new Jesuspictures will appear!- Full support for landscape mode and home-screen switching!Enjoy this free and useful live wallpaper!Installation instructions:-Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live WallpapersJesus (play /ˈdʒiːzəs/; Greek: Ἰησοῦς Iēsous; 7-2 BC/BCE to 30–36AD/CE), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ orsimply Christ (i.e. Messiah), is the central figure of theChristian religion, whom a majority Christian denominations worshipas God the Son incarnated.The large majority of modern historians agree that Jesus existed asa Jewish teacher from Galilee in Roman Judaea, was baptized by Johnthe Baptist, and was crucified in Jerusalem on the orders of theRoman Prefect, Pontius Pilate. Scholars have offered competingdescriptions and portraits of Jesus, which at times share a numberof overlapping attributes, such as a rabbi, a charismatic healer,the leader of an apocalyptic movement, a self-described Messiah, asage and philosopher, or a social reformer who preached of the"Kingdom of God" as a means for personal and egalitarian socialtransformation. Scholars have correlated the New Testament accountswith non-Christian historical records to arrive at an estimatedchronology of Jesus' life.Conservative Christians believe that Jesus was conceived by theHoly Spirit, born of a virgin, performed miracles, founded theChurch, died sacrificially by crucifixion to achieve atonement,rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven, from which he willreturn. The majority of Christians worship Jesus as the incarnationof God the Son, and the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. A fewChristian groups reject Trinitarianism, wholly or partly, believingit to be non-scriptural. Most Christian scholars today presentJesus as the awaited Messiah promised in the Old Testament and asGod, arguing that he fulfilled many Messianic prophecies of the OldTestament.The crucifixion of Jesus is an event that occurred during the 1stcentury AD. Jesus, who Christians believe is the Son of God as wellas the Messiah, was arrested, tried, and sentenced by PontiusPilate to be scourged, and finally executed on a cross.Collectively referred to as the Passion, Jesus' redemptivesuffering and death by crucifixion represent the central aspects ofChristian theology, including the doctrines of salvation andatonement.Jesus' crucifixion is described in all four Canonical gospels,attested to by other ancient sources, and regarded as a historicalevent confirmed by non-Christian sources. Christians believe Jesus'suffering was foretold in the Hebrew Bible, such as in Psalm 22,and Isaiah's songs of the suffering servant. According to a GospelHarmony, Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane following the Last Supperwith the Twelve Apostles, and forced to stand trial before aSanhedrin, Pontius Pilate, and Herod Antipas, before being handedover for crucifixion. After being flogged, Jesus was mocked byRoman soldiers as the "King of the Jews", clothed in a purple robe,crowned with thorns, beaten and spat on. Jesus then had to make hisway to the place of his crucifixion.Christians have traditionally understood Jesus' death on the crossto be a knowing and willing sacrifice (given that he did not mounta defense in his trials) which was undertaken as an "agent of God"to atone for humanity's sin and make salvation possible. MostChristians proclaim this sacrifice through the bread and wine ofthe Eucharist, as a remembrance of the Last Supper, and many alsocommemorate the event on Good Friday each year.
Snow Fall Live Wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
Follow the snowman in blistering cold duringnight. A truly magical winter experience.You will love this winter live wallpaper-* Falling snow* 3D feeling .* View angle changes with your screen* Photo realistic* Highly customizable* Adapts to night and day* Animated trees* Twinkling stars* Falling meteors* ALL ORIGINAL GRAPHICSThe ultimate Winter Live Wallpaper!Comments:* Live wallpapers are set similar to a background. Search for "SetLive Wallpaper" + your phone
Galaxy Christmas Tree LWP 1.0
aadya morris
Finally: Real Snow, Real Snowflakes, Reallythere, and in 3D! The most realistic and beautiful Galaxy ChristmasTree LWP.Gentle snowfall, swaying trees in a mystical forest and in thethick of it a cozy mountain feel the quiet peace of winter time!Indulge in the innocence of this virgin winter snow landscape fromthe alpine "Giant Mountains" (Riesengebirge). If you like, write apersonal postcard (E-Mail)!And watch the glowing tree in blue moon light, glittering Lightswherever you like (Edit-Mode!), magnificent sky backgrounds,christmas presents (if the time is right) and the color of yourchoice for the overall scene. There you also get lots ofconfiguration options for the winter scene and overall function!Please have a look at Galaxy Christmas Tree LWP in the Google Playmarket.This 3D Snowfall Live Wallpaper operates smoothly and with lowpower consumption on all tested smart phones and tablets. It can beinstalled/moved to SD-Card and comes with full support forlandscape mode, home screen switching and all available screenresolutions. The LWP requests no access rights whatsoever and is100% ad free!Basic features of the Galaxy Christmas Tree LWP:- Great flickering snow, cozy mountain from Europe.- Different dreamy sky backgrounds. More of them in proversion.- Realistic 3D effects for meadows, snow and forest pinetrees.- Beautiful winter trees and stunning distant snow capped mountainsin HD (High Definition).- Send a postcard from nature holiday via Mail.- Compelling and highly realistic snowfall, thousands of snowflakesfalling from the sky!- Gently swaying trees, soft breeze blowing.- Scroll across home screens on all phones!- lw is available for all screen resolutions.- Low power, performance, resources footprint.- Turn off animation and freely configure image quality settingsfor near ZERO power and memory consumption.- Shuts down completely when not visible to save maximum speed andbattery.- Full OpenGL.- Not a movie.- FREE download.Enjoy!The most brilliant experience you will naturally get on SamsungGalaxy S II, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Nexus or any Android phone with aSuper AMOLED+ display. Also Tablets like Galaxy tab and GoogleNexus 7 give a great impression, particularly for the light alarmclock! This also runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) & 4.1/ 4.2 (Jelly Bean).
Samsung S4 Solar Livewallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
Outer Space: adventure, enormous distances,never ending journey! Feel the breathtaking adventure of journeyingthrough space and galaxies with this outstanding HD Live Wallpaper!The best there is in our universe!Visit Mars (maybe one day Curiosity drives by??), Venus, Earth,Sun, Orion Nebula, Antennae galaxies, M101, Messier and more of themost scenic places there are out there in space, flight pathcontrolled by gyroscope and tilting of device.Extra Graphics and Features of the Pro Version, Solar galaxyLive Wallpaper Pro:- Breathtaking flight through Orion Nebula.- Pass by our Full Moon, Jupiter, extraordinary Sombrero Galaxy,Helix Nebula and Rhea Moon.General Features-- Realistic HD effects, space inferno, shadows, evermorphing.- 100% AD-FREE, no Spyware, no rights requested!- Breathtaking space flight in HD (High Definition), soar throughspace between planets of ice and fire, galactic dreams, spacecraft,crazy jumpgate vortex, black hole, stars .. whatever yourimagination comes across!- Magnificent star fields.Please Rate and write your comment on it.
pink cherry live wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
Most beautiful and fantastic pink cherry livewallpaper! Bring you with the best blooming sakura in spring andit's the most fantastic scenery in the world. Let the wonderful andpink Cherry blossom decorate and pervade on your screen withrainbow when different color of cherry flower falling down. Havethe most pretty sakura flower as your theme!.A cherry blossom is the flower of any of several trees of genusPrunus, particularly the Japanese Cherry, Prunus serrulata, whichis sometimes called sakura after the Japanese. The cherry blossomis also Japan's unofficial national flower. It has been celebratedfor many centuries and holds a very prominent position in Japaneseculture. There are many dozens of different cherry tree varietiesin Japan, most of which bloom for just a couple of days in spring.The Japanese celebrate that time of the year with 'Hanami' (cherryblossom viewing) parties under the blooming trees. That's when thecitizens of Japan will take their friend, family and even relativesto sit under the tree to watch the sakura flower droppingoff.Sakura flower also has many meanings, in China, it symbolizesfeminine beauty, cherish and love.The Sakurakai or Cherry Blossom Society was the name chosen byyoung officers within the Imperial Japanese Army in September 1930for their secret society established with the goal of reorganizingthe state along totalitarian militaristic lines, via a militarycoup d'état if necessary.During World War II, the cherry blossom was used to motivate theJapanese people, to stoke nationalism and militarism among thepopulace. Even prior to the war, they were used in propaganda toinspire ‘Japanese spirit,’ as in the ‘Song of Young Japan.’What the traditional ‘heart shape’ actually depicts is a matter ofsome controversy. It only vaguely resembles the human heart.Enjoy the beauty of this well designed live wallpaper of cherryblossom. Feel the happiness it brings you in a blooming seasonspring. Relaxing yourself by this theme.What the traditional ‘heart shape’ actually depicts is a matter ofsome controversy. It only vaguely resembles the human heart.This is a live wallpaper app, to install it afterdownloading:============================================================Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers ->pink cherry live wallpaper* Low Battery Consumption.* Most of the Supported Android Device.*Turn off animation and freely configure image quality settings fornear ZERO power and memory consumption.* Shuts down completely when not visible to save maximum speed andbattery.* Full OpenGL.* FREE download.============================================================You will naturally get on Samsung Galaxy S II, Galaxy S3, GalaxyNexus or any Android phone with a Super AMOLED+ display. AlsoTablets like Galaxy tab and Google Nexus 7 give a great impression.This also runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) & 4.1 / 4.2(Jelly Bean).
Samsung Allaha Livewallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
Allah is the Arabic word for God (literally'the God', as the initial "Al-" is the definite article). It isused mainly by Muslims to refer to God in Islam..Allāh is derived from a contraction of the Arabic definite articleal- "the" and ilāh "deity, god" to al-lāh meaning "the [sole]deity, God" Cognates of the name "Allāh" exist in other Semiticlanguages, including Hebrew and Aramaic. The corresponding Aramaicform is ʼĔlāhā ܐܠܗܐ in Biblical Aramaic and ʼAlâhâ ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ inSyriac as used by the Assyrian Church, both meaning simply'God'.The name Allah or Alla was found in the Epic of Atrahasis engravedon several tablets dating back to around 1700 BC in Babylon, whichshowed that he was being worshipped as a high deity among othergods who were considered to be his brothers but taking orders fromhim.Dumuzid the Shepherd, a king of the 1st Dynasty of Uruk named onthe Sumerian King List, was later over-venerated so that peoplestarted associating him with "Alla" and the Babylonian godTammuz.The name Allah was used by Nabataeans in compound names, such as"Abd Allah" (The Servant/Slave of Allah), "Aush Allah" (The Faithof Allah), "Amat Allah" (The She-Servant of Allah), "Hab Allah"(Beloved of Allah), "Han Allah" (Allah is gracious), "Shalm Allah"(Peace of Allah), while the name "Wahab Allah" (The Gift of Allah)was found throughout the entire region of the Nabataeankingdom.From Nabataean inscriptions, Allah seems to have been regarded as a"High and Main God", while other deities were considered to bemediators before Allah and of a second status, which was the samecase of the worshipers at the Kaaba temple at Mecca.According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, andhumble submission to his will, divine ordinances and commandmentsis the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator ofthe universe, and the judge of humankind. He is unique (wāḥid) andinherently one (aḥad), all-merciful and omnipotent. The Qur'andeclares "the reality of Allah, His inaccessible mystery, Hisvarious names, and His actions on behalf of His creatures.Islamic tradition, there are 99 Names of God (al-asmā’ al-ḥusnálit. meaning: 'the best names' or 'the most beautiful names'), eachof which evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah. All these namesrefer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name.Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent ofthese names are "the Merciful" (al-Raḥmān) and "the Compassionate"(al-Raḥīm).Most Muslims use the untranslated Arabic phrase in shā’ Allāh(meaning 'if God wills') after references to future events. Muslimdiscursive piety encourages beginning things with the invocation ofbismillāh (meaning 'in the name of God').There are certain phrases in praise of God that are favored byMuslims, including "Subḥān Allāh" (Holiness be to God), "al-ḥamdulillāh" (Praise be to God), "lā ilāha illā Allāh" (There is nodeity but God) and "Allāhu akbar" (God is great) as a devotionalexercise of remembering God (dhikr).[41] In a Sufi practice knownas dhikr Allah (lit. remembrance of God), the Sufi repeats andcontemplates on the name Allah or other divine names whilecontrolling his or her breath.Allaha Live Wallpaper has been created to remind you that hopeshould never be lost, even in the hardest moments of life we areall facing every day.We celebrate Id in the month of Ramjan as a holy month and alwaysremember Allaha.This wallpaper will keep you mind , heart peace and calm. Itsspread more happiness,faith in you life. When you will see thiswallpaper that ALLAHA is every where in your life where ever yousee anything around you .You will feel it .*****************************************************************************How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> Select LiveWallpapers -> Select Samsung Allaha Livewallpaper from thelist*****************************************************************************
Galaxy sakura live wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
A beautiful Sakura (Cherry Blossom) livewallpaper which lets you interact with falling leaves and flowers.Great for both spring and summer nature scenes.If you like this wallpaper, please support us by purchasing proversion with more themes and features.Features -- Change type of leaves falling down- Smooth the edge of leaf- Seed effect option- Parallax effect option for background image.- Touch leaves to repel.- Rotate right/left to accelerate leaves- Support most resolutions including Android 3.0 tabletInstructionHome -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers->Galaxysakura live wallpaperNote: It is live wallpaper so you can't open the app, you will needto follow the instruction above in order to set the wallpaper. Alsoslower/older devices (shipped with Android OS below 2.1) can't runit too, currently it has been tested on Nexus S, HTC Desire andSamsung tab so any mobile devices that is equivalent to them shouldrun fine.If you have put the app on SD card and restarted the phone, thewallpaper will reset to default since the system couldn't find theapp first.FAQ:1. Why is there "Internet access" permission?It is for Google ads on setting screen only, nothing else. Proversion is ads free with more features.2. Wallpaper resets to default after reboot/restart thephone?Please move the app to phone instead of SD card.Suported Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S3, S2, SamsungGalaxy Note, HTC One X, HTC Sensation, HTC One S, HTC One V, SonyXperia, Google Nexus 7, Motorola RAZR, Motorola Defy Plus andother
Galaxy SII Allha LWP 1.0
aadya morris
The name Allah was used by Nabataeans incompound names, such as "Abd Allah" (The Servant/Slave of Allah),"Aush Allah" (The Faith of Allah), "Amat Allah" (The She-Servant ofAllah), "Hab Allah" (Beloved of Allah), "Han Allah" (Allah isgracious), "Shalm Allah" (Peace of Allah), while the name "WahabAllah" (The Gift of Allah) was found throughout the entire regionof the Nabataean kingdom.According to Islamic belief, Allah is the proper name of God, andhumble submission to his will, divine ordinances and commandmentsis the pivot of the Muslim faith. "He is the only God, creator ofthe universe, and the judge of humankind. He is unique (wāḥid) andinherently one (aḥad), all-merciful and omnipotent. The Qur'andeclares "the reality of Allah, His inaccessible mystery, Hisvarious names, and His actions on behalf of His creatures. Islamictradition, there are 99 Names of God (al-asmā’ al-ḥusná lit.meaning: 'the best names' or 'the most beautiful names'), each ofwhich evoke a distinct characteristic of Allah. All these namesrefer to Allah, the supreme and all-comprehensive divine name.Among the 99 names of God, the most famous and most frequent ofthese names are "the Merciful" (al-Raḥmān) and "the Compassionate"(al-Raḥīm).There are certain phrases in praise of God that are favored byMuslims, including "Subḥān Allāh" (Holiness be to God), "al-ḥamdulillāh" (Praise be to God), "lā ilāha illā Allāh" (There is nodeity but God) and "Allāhu akbar" (God is great) as a devotionalexercise of remembering God (dhikr).[41] In a Sufi practice knownas dhikr Allah (lit. remembrance of God), the Sufi repeats andcontemplates on the name Allah or other divine names whilecontrolling his or her breath.Allaha Live Wallpaper has been created to remind you that hopeshould never be lost, even in the hardest moments of life we areall facing every day.This wallpaper will keep you mind , heart peace and calm. Itsspread more happiness,faith in you life. When you will see thiswallpaper that ALLAHA is every where in your life where ever yousee anything around you .You will feel it .*****************************************************************************How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> Select LiveWallpapers -> Select Galaxy SII Allha LWp from the list*****************************************************************************
Fire candle live wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
Fire Candle - Get your cool livewallpapernow!This wallpaper will feels like you are sitting with your friendandfire is burning ,feeling cold and enjoying all together.The best live wallpaper and background app for Your Android!Customize Your desktop background with this cool Fire Candlelivewallpaper!To set a live wallpaper as your home screen background, performthefollowing steps:- 1: From Home Screen, press "Menu"- 2: Press "Wallpaper", then press "Live Wallpapers"- 3: Select the Fire Candle Live Wallpaper- 4: Press "Set wallpaper"- 5: Start Launcher.
Magic spring live wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
The best Autumn Maple Spring Rippleslivewallpaper and background app for your AndroidReleasednow!!!!!Customize your desktop background with this animated LiveWallpaper!Features--* Awesome look and feel.* TAP to generate MAGIC NEO WAVE.* Different backgrounds to setup the wallpaper.* Totally Eye-Popping visual effects.* Customisation for time interval.* Spring season movements .Installation instructions:Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live WallpapersScroll down the list, find out the Autumn Leaves Spring RippleLWPand setup it.
Galaxy S4 Christmas LWP 1.1
aadya morris
Galaxy S4 Christmas LWP is a freegalaxyChristmas live wallpaper.Decorated with Blue Christmas light on tree, Snow flakes arefallingover the sky while you head ti Santa Cruz..Full Open-GL Supported Application-*NOTE: The only permission is Storage, this is required forthe"Move to SD card" option everyone asked for.*NO Annoying ADS and spyware!*Please give comment and rate my apps.
Nature Beauty Live Wallpaper 1.0
aadya morris
Beautiful flowers on the screen offavouritephone..For fans of natural backgrounds we developed the new NatureBeautyLive Wallpaper application..Full HD pine tree with beautiful landscape.The small size oftheappendix that doesn't allow to load system.When you will shake and turn/flip your device, wallpaperwillupgrade you from others.Quite stable work even on weak devices.Nature Beauty Live Wallpaper was tested on many models ofphoneslike Samsung Galaxy S4,Google Nexus4,HTC One, LG Optimus ,SonyXperia and many more.Instruction:-Home -> Menu -> Settings ->Wallpapers ->LiveWallpapers->Nature Beauty Live WallpaperNote: If you have put the app on SD card and restarted thephone,the wallpaper will reset to default since the systemcouldn't findthe app first.No free Ads and random installation.If you like it please comment and rate it.